If you do not have an account yet with us, kindly scroll down to the footer of our page;
- click on the Card Referral Program

It will take you to the card referral page, and thoroughly read every section.
- Click on the Start Earning blue button on the page to proceed
- Fill out the signup page to create an account with Bananacrystal and start referring
If you already have an account with us at Bananacrystal, kindly follow these steps to start referring
- Sign into your account, on your Dashboard at the top of your screen tap Refer & Earn

- it will take you to the referral page, thoroughly read through the page
- Copy your Referral code or Referral link to send to your invitee or communities you belong to. or add to your link tree.

- The last step is to follow up with them to ensure they get verified, apply for the card, and activate their card.